
Thursday, 12 December 2019

Alexander Graham Bell

For our last literacy task we had to choose any scientist/inventor, write a brief description about them, include photos etc.
Here's mine.
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Changes In GTS

For one of our literacy activities, we were asked to create a list of things that we would want in Glen Taylor School if we were hired as the principle for a week!
Here's mine.
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When The Rubber Hits The Road

For our last 2 days of HSW we merged all of our activities into one, for this activity we had to ask our peers what they were most proud of & I had asked a mix of students and teachers so here it is!
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Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Equal Pay For Equal Work ?

This morning Mrs Faalili had given us the activity to share our thoughts on 'gender pay gap' , we had to explain what we think about the situation then blog post about it.
Here's mine.
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HSW - Shelly Ann Similes

For day 2 of HSW, in literacy we were given the task to write a few similes about the one and only Shelly Ann! 
Here's mine.
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Monday, 9 December 2019

HSW - BFG Review

In class we were given the task to write a review about the book the 'BFG (Big Friendly Giant) By Roald Dahl'. We had to write a brief description about the giant himself and then blog post about it. 
Here's mine.

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HSW - Pepeha

For literacy we were given the task to create a 'Cybersmart Pepeha' one that we are able to share with people outside of our community, so that everybody can see the activities that we do in class on our blogs. 
Here's mine.

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HSW - Lorde Profile Page

For literacy we were given a famous New Zealand singer to create a profile page about, our artist was Lorde. For this activity we had to list down a few facts, as well as a brief description about the artist herself and a few photos. Here's mine!

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Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Mrs Tuipulotu's Cooking Class

Today was our last session of tech for our year 8 cooking class, we had cooked Nachos & used a variety of different sauces, herbs etc. 
Here is the ingredients as well as our group photo!

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