
Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Miss Kelly

For 5 weeks we had a wonderful student teacher (Miss Kelly) work in room 11 everyday to get an idea of what it would be like to teach her own class. Also to see what it would be like in a year 7 & 8 class, here are some photos of Miss Kelly in room 11!

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Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Wood Works

This morning in Wood Works class we touched up on our treasure boxes as well as adding our handles & oiling the surfaces. For some of the students this was our second coat of oil and for others this was the first, once we finished we let the treasure box sit & wait to add on another in the next session. Here is my box so far!

Thanks for reading my post, come back next time.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Positive Puberty

Last week our entire senior syndicate learnt about puberty, we had a session for the whole day where we learnt more about ourselves as well as what happens when going through puberty. We were split into two classes and were given tasks where we had to answer questions about what we learnt in the previous block. Here are some photos from the session.

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Year 7 & 8 Netball

Yesterday two teams from our senior syndicate went to represent GTS for a Netball tournament at the St Johns Netball Centre, we versed multiple schools such as Stanhope, St Heliers, Sylvia Park etc and our girls team placed 2nd as well as our boys team placing 3rd. It was a great experience overall and both of our teams did an amazing job! Here is a photo from the tournament.

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