
Tuesday, 21 May 2019

What Pacific Islanders Want You To Know

For reading we were given an activity, were we had to watch either 2 or 3 videos & write a little summary about the video then answer questions relating to the videos that e had watching. one of the videos that I chose were called 'What Pacific Islanders Want You To Know' here's my thoughts on the video!

^ Link to video

This video is produced by Buzzfeed, a group of pacific islanders came together & shared more about what they want you to know about their culture. Many assume that if you are polynesian you origins are within Hawaii, they believe that if you are a pacific islander you wear hula skirts & know how to hula dance. Most non-polynesians figure that if you are from the pacific your fit to play sports & your good when playing in sports activities.

  • I learnt more about what non-polynesians think about pacific islanders.
  • I learnt more about what people’s initial reaction when hearing the word ‘polynesian’ or ‘pacific islander’.
  • I chose this video because I wanted to see the point of view from people outside of the polynesian culture & what they have to say about pacific islanders.

Hopefully you learnt more from this post, come back tomorrow for another blog post!

The Magic Library

This morning we were given a picture, we had to describe it the best we could. Our title was 'The Magic Library' here's my piece of writing!

Forbidden to pass the entry, he was curious. He slightly turned the knob as the door gently opened & stepped foot inside, as the sun shone through the pigmented glass windows he had noticed slimy footprints that had lead towards the staircase. He froze for a moment, yet thought nothing of it. Walking towards the other half of the room, he span the globe as the shelves began to close in. His heart had dropped down to his stomach he then heard a voice say ‘Who’s there’.

Hopefully you enjoyed reading my quick write, & your inspired to do something like this in your free time. Come back tomorrow for another blog post!

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

I wanna be like them

In my reading group, we were asked to research a topic and write a poem about it. Something that is meaningful & something that we are passionate about, I chose to write about society & how it affects our generation. Keep on reading if you would like to see my piece of writing!

I wanna be like them - Spoken word

Scrolling down your feed, comparing yourself to all these girls
“I want her figure, I want her dimples, I’m in love with her curls”
We all know how the media works
Telling us to love ourselves yet they criticize our quirks
& it somehow all comes back to our looks.
I wanna be like them

Society is constantly telling us that you have to look a certain way to be considered ‘pretty’
Right ?
Your dress has to be extra tight, show off your curves, a little bit of lipstick wouldn’t hurt
Thinking that if you don’t have the newest gears, or up with the latest trends
That’s an automatic red flag
Being defined & categorized by the label or amount on your price tag

I wanna be like them
We’re so caught up in what social media has to say
We compare ourselves to so many of these ‘instagram models’
We all wish for that ‘perfect figure’ but disappointed the next day
When realizing that it doesn’t work that way.
Filters, editing apps, we are all put under the influence
That beauty is all that matters, because if we depend on our looks
There’s no way we have to worry about our intelligence

I wanna be like them

Everybody thinks that beauty is purely physical
Yet we never thought about the beauty that comes within
So take a moment too realise that
And just let it sink into your skin
I know you hear me, but you don’t want to listen
I’m sure you hate this poem, & you have your own opinion
But know that I meant what I said
So get it through your head

You don’t have to be like them

I hope you enjoyed reading my poem, be sure to come back tomorrow for another blog post!

Sea Wall

Every Monday in class, we do quick write. We write a little 4 to 6 sentence story about an image that we are given by the teacher then 3 students or so will read their piece of work to the class, here's one of my writing pieces.

He was the last one standing, the rest of the sailors were already 5 feet under water. He was shivering, he only felt the cold breeze flowing throughout his uniform .. unsure of what to do only thinking about how much time he had left before the ship would of been completely under water. The sea was still, complete silence the seawater began to rise & it wouldn’t stop. All fell down, the ship as well as all of the sailors did not survive.

Hopefully you enjoyed reading my quick write, & surely you'll be inspired to write your own. Come back tomorrow for another blog post!