
Thursday, 12 December 2019

Alexander Graham Bell

For our last literacy task we had to choose any scientist/inventor, write a brief description about them, include photos etc.
Here's mine.
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Changes In GTS

For one of our literacy activities, we were asked to create a list of things that we would want in Glen Taylor School if we were hired as the principle for a week!
Here's mine.
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When The Rubber Hits The Road

For our last 2 days of HSW we merged all of our activities into one, for this activity we had to ask our peers what they were most proud of & I had asked a mix of students and teachers so here it is!
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Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Equal Pay For Equal Work ?

This morning Mrs Faalili had given us the activity to share our thoughts on 'gender pay gap' , we had to explain what we think about the situation then blog post about it.
Here's mine.
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HSW - Shelly Ann Similes

For day 2 of HSW, in literacy we were given the task to write a few similes about the one and only Shelly Ann! 
Here's mine.
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Monday, 9 December 2019

HSW - BFG Review

In class we were given the task to write a review about the book the 'BFG (Big Friendly Giant) By Roald Dahl'. We had to write a brief description about the giant himself and then blog post about it. 
Here's mine.

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HSW - Pepeha

For literacy we were given the task to create a 'Cybersmart Pepeha' one that we are able to share with people outside of our community, so that everybody can see the activities that we do in class on our blogs. 
Here's mine.

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HSW - Lorde Profile Page

For literacy we were given a famous New Zealand singer to create a profile page about, our artist was Lorde. For this activity we had to list down a few facts, as well as a brief description about the artist herself and a few photos. Here's mine!

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Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Mrs Tuipulotu's Cooking Class

Today was our last session of tech for our year 8 cooking class, we had cooked Nachos & used a variety of different sauces, herbs etc. 
Here is the ingredients as well as our group photo!

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Monday, 25 November 2019

Athletics '19

Last thursday we had our athletics, there were many stations such as high jump, discus, relays etc. We were placed into our age groups and did the activities like so, towards the end we had house relays & tug of war as well as heats. Even the parents were involved! We all had a great time and here are a few photos from our athletics.

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Monday, 18 November 2019

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2019

Last wednesday, Glen Taylor had attended the Manaiakalani Film Festival. 20 films had played in our theater and our school was seated next to Glenbrae, all of the films were enjoyable and my class film had been put on the big screen as well! 
Here is one of the movies that a group of seniors in our school had created.

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Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Mrs Tuipulotu's Cooking Class

Last week for cooking class, we cooked Bean & Vegetables Patties. We learnt about pre-heating our elements to make sure that our food cooks well & not burnt, as well as using different utensils to substitute for certain objects that we might not have. Here is one of our groups trays as well as the ingredients!

Step 1 - Mash the bean Using a potato Masher 

Step 2 - Dice the onions and red pepper 

Step 3 - Grate the zucchini and carrot with the Cheese Grater

Step 4 - Combine all your vegetables & beans together in a bowl then add eggs

Step 4 - Mix it well and add bread crumbs so that it reduces the stickiness of the patty

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Thursday, 7 November 2019

Museum Trip 2019

On Monday a group of middle & senior syndicate students visited the Auckland Museum, there were two options Music & Dance or Tapa & Tivaevae a group of students as well as myself chose Music & Dance. We learnt a lot about the history of Pacific Music as well as looking at different artifacts that were traditionally used in the pacific many years ago, we were also able to take a tour around the whole museum visiting other areas such as Ancient Worlds, WW1 Hall Of Memories, Arts Of Asia etc. Here are a few photos from our trip!

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Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Cybersmart Blogging

This morning we were given an activity where we have to choose a certain student in Room 11 and answer questions about their blog, I chose Danielle. We would have to include a photo of them and answer the following questions 'What information does this blogger share' 'How frequent does the blogger post' etc. Here's mine.

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Monday, 21 October 2019

Endangered Animals

For reading in Room 11 we were all given an endangered animal to research and find information about, I was given a Pangolin. On Google Slides we had to write about the creatures habitat, diet, physical appearance etc, here is mine!

Hopefully you learnt some information about Pangolins, thanks for checking 
out my blog come again!

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Mrs Tuipulotu's Cooking Class S5

Today was our first session back at tech for term 4, we made Fettuccine. We learnt about using certain elements for only a specific amount of time so our ingredients aren't burnt and just start to boil etc. Here are the ingredients as well as our final product!

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Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Mrs Tuipulotu's Cooking Class S4

For the last week of Term 3 our all year 8's class made chocolate muffins, in this session we learnt how to measure ingredients as well as how to level it off to make sure that it is precise. Here is the list of ingredients as well as the photos of our groups baking.

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Tuesday, 24 September 2019

PB4L Skits

Yesterday morning for PB4L (Positive behaviour 4 learning) we were assigned to create a 30 second play/skit that displays our school values which are Fun, Integrity, Respect & Excellence & that spells out FIRE & then there is Achievement, Confidence & Enjoyment which spells out ACE. Here is my groups play about confidence.

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Tuesday, 17 September 2019

My Pepeha

Last week was Maori Language Week & Room 11 decided to make Pepeha's. A Pepeha is a way of introducing yourself, it's a way of telling your story & telling others where you come from. We were given a couple of days to do so & last friday we had to present our Pepeha's. 
Here's mine!

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Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Mrs Tuipulotu's Cooking Class S2

Every Wednesday our senior syndicate have tech, this week Mrs Tuipulotu taught us how to make a English Breakfast. We made baked beans, sausages, eggs, ham & toast. We learnt about using different utensils for different dishes etc, here are one of the groups dishes. 

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Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Mrs Tuipulotu's Cooking Class

Today our all year 8's class had their first session with Mrs Tuipulotu. In our first lesson we made Tuna Salad with vegetables. We learnt about using different utensils when it comes to cooking different dishes etc, Here are the ingredients for the Tuna Salad + photos.

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Positive Message

This morning we looked at a poem about PB4L (positive behavior 4 learning) & we were assigned to write our own poems about confidence & self acceptance, here's mine!
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Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Cross Country 19'

Today we had Cross Country, depending on what year you were it would determine how many laps you would have to do. The senior syndicate had to do 3 and a half around the entire block, it was exhausting yet everybody had a lot of fun running beside their friends and being cheered on by the teachers. Overall it was great day, here are a few photos!

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Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Miss Kelly

For 5 weeks we had a wonderful student teacher (Miss Kelly) work in room 11 everyday to get an idea of what it would be like to teach her own class. Also to see what it would be like in a year 7 & 8 class, here are some photos of Miss Kelly in room 11!

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Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Wood Works

This morning in Wood Works class we touched up on our treasure boxes as well as adding our handles & oiling the surfaces. For some of the students this was our second coat of oil and for others this was the first, once we finished we let the treasure box sit & wait to add on another in the next session. Here is my box so far!

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Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Positive Puberty

Last week our entire senior syndicate learnt about puberty, we had a session for the whole day where we learnt more about ourselves as well as what happens when going through puberty. We were split into two classes and were given tasks where we had to answer questions about what we learnt in the previous block. Here are some photos from the session.

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Year 7 & 8 Netball

Yesterday two teams from our senior syndicate went to represent GTS for a Netball tournament at the St Johns Netball Centre, we versed multiple schools such as Stanhope, St Heliers, Sylvia Park etc and our girls team placed 2nd as well as our boys team placing 3rd. It was a great experience overall and both of our teams did an amazing job! Here is a photo from the tournament.

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Sunday, 28 July 2019

Wood Works

Last term our all Year 8 class had Wood Works. We are currently learning how to construct a treasure box, we have also learnt how to cut our pieces of wood properly as well as the proper names for all of the tools that we have used in our sessions, in Term 3 we will still be working in this class to finish our boxes but here are some photos from the progress that has happened so far!

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Friday, 26 July 2019


Since Term 2 Room 11's focus has been science/states of matter. We've done several experiments including making Raro Blocks, Nebula Jars etc, yet for the past week Room 11 as well as all of the other classes have been working on projects to present in our GTS Science Fair. We've been working on projects such as Rock Candy, Borax Crystals etc, here are some photos from our science experiments!

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Tuesday, 2 July 2019

States Of Matter

In Room 11 we learnt about the States Of Matter, which are LIQUID, SOLID & GAS the properties include SHAPE, VOLUME, ARRANGEMENT & INTERACTION. We learnt what all of these properties mean and how they play a part in the States Of Matter. 
Here are a few photos from what Room 11 learnt!

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Rippa Rugby

Every Thursday Room 11 has Rippa Rugby sessions with our coach (Hamish). He teaches us different skills to use when playing Rippa Rugby, and how you can improve when participating in activities like tag. Here are some photos from a few of our sessions.

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