
Saturday, 30 September 2017

Respect & Honesty

A few days ago we made PB4L posters about Respect and Honesty
We were put into pairs and we had to describe what Respect and Honesty meant to us
Here's a few photos from when we made these posters
๐ŸŒน This is me and my buddy Angel๐ŸŒน
↞Come back to my blog↠
 ↢For more delayed but AWESOME blog posts by me↣


On the last day of Term 3 Room 9 exploded their volcanoes with baking soda,detergent,red food dye,toilet paper and vinegar.
↞This Is My Volcano↠ 

↢Come back to my blog↣
 ↢To see more delayed but AWESOME blog posts by me↣

Friday, 29 September 2017


Today was the LAST day of Term 3!!! (WHOO HOOO)
And on the last day of term 3 Room 9 made HISTORY
Me & Danielle were the first to receive our ORANGE BANDS that means we have been AWESOME 800 times!!
Here are the photos that we took wearing our 
↞This is the AMAZING Anaysha↠

And here is the FABULOUS Danielle๐ŸŒน

↞Come back for more delayed but AWESOME blog posts by me↠
Click This Link Room 9's blog to see more awesome blog posts and to see what me & Danielle's thoughts were about receiving the first orange PB4L bands

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

My Blog Post Is A Quality Blog Post Because...

Today we had Cybersmart we looked at a few of our blog posts
we picked one after we had a look at it and had to describe why it is a quality blog post.
๐ŸŒนThis is mine๐ŸŒน

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Part 2!!

!Today we continued to create our paper mache volcanoes!
↞Take a look on how far we have gotten↠

↞↞Well hopefully we continue tomorrow so we can start decorating↠↠

Cross Country!

!!Today We Had Cross Country!!
It was very challenging but we pushed through and we tried our best
Here are a few photos from today
!!I'm trying but i'll get there!!
 Looks like their tired from all the running they did before
They all did very well

๐ŸŒนWe all tried our best and we pushed through it all๐ŸŒน

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

I Own A Volcano!!

In the last block we started to create our very own volcanoes
It was very challenging  but we pushed through and we tried our best
This is Dani She's gluing the pieces of paper onto her bottle
This is Alanna shes's getting there and that's Dani's hand

This is Anayha she's trying to figure out what she's
doing but she's doing the best she can I think

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Duffy Assembly

๐ŸŒนToday The Whole School Went To The Duffy Assembly๐ŸŒน
๐ŸตWe Had The Best Time๐Ÿต
Here are some photos
We were asking Georgia all different types of questions 

Georgia plays so many different sports

Now we have our new Duffy books

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Why does measurement matter?

Yes even I know I haven't posted in a while so here you go this is my measurement matters poster

Take a look

๐ŸŒนCome back for more delayed but awesome blog posts by me๐ŸŒน